Please read this Before You Register for Fayette Gives

Fayette Gives is a “day of giving” hosted by the Community Foundation of Fayette County that aims to build a stronger Fayette by engaging the community in philanthropy and supporting local charities. During this fundraising marathon, the public donates to participating charities and special incentives are offered to promote the excitement and impact of charitable giving. Fayette Gives provides an opportunity for charities to gain exposure, and it invites everyone to be a philanthropist in a community-wide effort to give back.

Charities must read the Terms of Service, and participation in Fayette Gives implies agreement.

The information you submit in your registration form will be reviewed by the Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) to assess your eligibility to participate in Fayette Gives and for keeping a record of participating charities each year. Registration information will not be public. Approved charities will create a public-facing profile after the registration process.

Please note that Fayette Gives is being hosted on a different platform this year, called GiveGab. With that, CFFC calls attention to new features and workflows for donors and charities. CFFC urges charities to read about these changes and to be mindful of them in all planning and promotion of Fayette Gives. Some changes are noted below:

  • Charities will create their Fayette Gives profile for the public to view
  • Charities will have direct access to view their donations through the GiveGab platform
  • GiveGab retains a 3.5% platform management fee from all online donations. Credit card processing fees are an additional 2.5% + $0.30 for all major credit cards. Offline donations (checks, donor advised funds, IRS contributions, stock transfers) will not have fees.
  • Donors are given the option to cover the fees. If a donor chooses this option, 100% of their online charitable gift will benefit their selected charity/ies. If a donor does not choose to cover the fees, their selected charity/ies will receive the donation less the fees.
  • Prizes will be available as donor incentives, with specific criteria such as timeframe and charity size. Rules and guidelines for prize opportunities will be detailed on the Fayette Gives website.

CFFC and GiveGab will provide participating charities with educational resources, tips, and marketing templates. All charities are requested to be diligent with monitoring communication from CFFC and learning about the new features for this year’s Fayette Gives.

Fayette Gives distributions are sent to charities via ACH transfer. Participating charities must submit an ACH Transfer Agreement to CFFC, providing bank account information and authorization for the foundation to send the electronic direct deposit. If a charity has previously submitted ACH information, they do not need to re-submit this information unless/until there is a change in their charity’s bank account information.

Fayette Gives donations are made to CFFC, and later distributed to participating charities with any prize dollars added. CFFC processes the donations and sends a tax receipt to each donor who provides an email address or donations of $250 or more.

Fayette Gives distributions will be made by December 31 of the Fayette Gives day’s current year.

CFFC urges charities to follow Fayette Gives guidelines, detailed throughout the FAQs. For example: donations cannot be quid pro quo contributions; donations may not be collected from multiple donors and submitted under one donation amount and donor name; etc.

Charities must not alter the Fayette Gives Check Contribution Form. This is important for consistent, efficient data entry and accurate messaging. If charities or donors have any questions about Fayette Gives, they are encouraged to contact the foundation.

To participate, a charity must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and must not be a private foundation as defined in section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. A charity must be located in or providing service in Fayette County, PA. A charity must file the Federal Form 990, 990 EZ, or 990 N annually.

Your charity may be contacted for additional information as part of the registration review process. Thank you in advance for understanding CFFC’s need for due diligence.